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Mother, You Didn't Do Anything Wrong

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It's okay to feel like you are failing as a mom. A mother may feel as though she has failed her child because she doesn't live up to the expectations that society has of her. You can overcome your feelings of failure and guilt as a parent by defining your values, what you want from yourself, and what you expect of your family. This will allow you to identify what your child needs.

Anna's little girl ignores her

Anna's daughter Elizabeth doesn't recognize her as her mother and is confused about why. Anna is insecure in her own existence, and she doesn't know that she suffers from her insecurities. She wonders why she hasn't remembered that she is a mom and why her daughter doesn't see her as such a mother. However, she continues ignore her and ignores her suggestion to find a boyfriend.

You didn't do any wrong

The phrase "you didn't do anything wrong as a mom" is often associated with guilt and shame. It reinforces a culture’s expectations of parenting well and the Biblical Commandment that you love your children regardless of their circumstances. Favoritism is common even in healthy families. It's a psychological condition called Parental Differenceial Treatment (PDT). This affects children in different ways. It can be related a mother's "fit", comfort, or her child's desires and needs.

You are not a failing mother

It's natural to feel like a failure mother. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can change your behaviour if you are feeling like a failure. Instead of focusing your attention on your emotions, look at your achievements. You don't need to be a mother failure. You can learn from your feelings. Understanding and acknowledging your feelings can help you change your behavior and improve your parenting skills.

advice to parents


What's an example of positive parenting?

Positive parenting teaches children how to behave by setting high standards for them and expecting them to live up to those expectations. It includes loving them and helping them when they fail.

Positive parenting teaches children that they should make decisions based upon what is best for them, and not on what is easiest or most convenient. This helps children grow into independent adults who are able to decide what they want.

Positive parenting is also about having fun together, and encouraging your children's happiness.

Children trust their parents when they see them as caring about them and treating them like people, not objects. This makes them less likely to get into trouble, which in turn makes them happier and healthier.

How can I tell my child if he or she needs more discipline?

Different levels of development mean that children require different amounts and types of discipline.

Your child may be able to benefit from spanking if he/she is young (under two years).

Your child may require more structure and guidance if he/she is older.

Before making major parenting changes, it is important to discuss any changes in the behavior of your child with your doctor.

Which parenting style do you think is most appropriate in America today?

The traditional family model is not as popular today as it was 50 years ago because families are changing. The role of parents in raising children has become less important. They prefer to spend their time alone, rather than spending time with their children. Helicopter parenting is a term that describes this type of parenting. This is when parents hover over their children 24/7. They don't let them do anything without supervision. They make sure their children eat right, exercise properly, get to sleep at night, and so on. This type of parenting causes a lot stress for parents and kids. The kids feel like they're missing out, while the parents feel guilty that they're not there every day.

The problem with this parenting style is that it doesn't teach kids how take care of themselves. This type of parenting teaches children to rely on their parents for everything. Instead of teaching independence parents are teaching dependence. Children learn that they need adult help to succeed. If they fail, then they blame themselves.

Children feel worthless and insignificant as a result. They feel they are failing because they haven't lived up to their potential. And since they weren't taught how to deal with failure, they also lack self-confidence.

Another reason why this type of parenting isn't so popular anymore is that there are fewer two-parent households. When both parents work outside the home, it makes it harder for them to be available to their kids. So many parents end up raising their kids alone.

Today, parents want happy and healthy children. They don't want to worry about their kids getting enough sleep, eating well, or exercising. They want to focus on their own lives. They hire tutors, nannies and other caregivers to look after their children.

They don't wish to have control over every aspect in their child's lives. They don't want to teach their children that mistakes are inevitable. They want them learn from their mistakes and to try again.


  • Students from authoritative families were likelier to say that their parents–not their peers–would influence their decisions (Bednar and Fisher 2003). (parentingscience.com)
  • They are even more likely to have dental cavities because permissive parents often don't enforce good habits, like ensuring a child brushes their teeth. (verywellfamily.com)

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How To

How to become a better parent

Good parenting is showing your children love, support and guidance. It is being there for them when they need it most, even if it means getting up early or staying up late. Good parenting also means teaching your children how to become independent adults with strong values, make wise choices and respect themselves and others.

Being a parent can be hard. It may seem difficult to keep up with your children's demands at times. But remember, every child needs to learn from mistakes. If we try to teach our children right and wrong, they will become responsible adults who can understand the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Parenting means ensuring that your children get enough rest, eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. It also involves spending quality time together, having conversations about their day, listening to your feedback, practicing social skills. While you don't need to do everything, it is important to try to be a positive role model for your children.

Your job as a parent should be to equip your children to succeed in adulthood. It doesn't necessarily mean that you won’t struggle at times; it just means that your job is done well if you can laugh even while you cry.


Mother, You Didn't Do Anything Wrong